30 September 2019 to 4 October 2019
Montenegro, Budva, Becici
Europe/Podgorica timezone

Virtual Laboratory – virtual educational tools and hands-on practicum

4 Oct 2019, 10:15
Splendid Conference & SPA Resort, Conference Hall Petroviċa

Splendid Conference & SPA Resort, Conference Hall Petroviċa

Sectional Innovative IT Education Innovative IT Education


Mrs Kseniia Klygina (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, InterGraphics LLC)


Experiments have always been an integral part of the experimental sciences, and are one of the most effective ways to get first-hand knowledge about certain concepts and principles in a study field such as nuclear physics. The Virtual Lab project (VLab) has a history of several years and now project results are used in the educational process universities in 13 countries. The first stage of the project was devoted to creation of the Virtual Laboratory of Nuclear Fission (www.v-labs.ru). Currently the project is developing in three directions: – Virtual laboratory of gamma spectroscopy – Laboratory of detectors and signal processing. Laboratory of data analysis in ROOT – Preparation and conduct of hands-on practicums for university and high school students In the framework of the VLab project several hands-on practices were successfully held for university and high school students from different countries. During the practices students started their work with signal generators, oscilloscopes, coincidence circuits, scintillation counters, and finished assembling a simple scintillation telescope that allowed them to register cosmic radiation particles. Then, under supervision of young scientists, students worked with gamma-, X-ray and light ion spectrometers. Attention was given to the analysis of experimental data. We are very interested to collaborate with teachers and scientists from the JINR Member States and Associate Members to develop the VLab project.

Primary author

Mrs Kseniia Klygina (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, InterGraphics LLC)


Mr Alexandr Strekalovsky (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Allison Wyngaardt (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dmitry Kamanin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Elena Simon (Hemda Center for Science Education) Gennady Yarygin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Georgi Rainovski (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Georgy Averichev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Isatayev Isatayev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Prof. Ivan Vankov (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Mr Kairat Mendibayev (FLNR/Kazakhstan) Mrs Nataliya Vorontsova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)) Mr Nikita Sidorov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, InterGraphics LLC) Pavel Kochnev (Dubna International University of Nature, Society and Man) Pavel Semchukov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Reuven Shpitalnik (Hemda Center for Science Education) Sergey Lukianov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Mr Stanislav Pakuliak (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Ms Victoria Belaga (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Yosef Cordova (Hemda Center for Science Education) Prof. Yury Panebrattsev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, InterGraphics LLC)

Presentation materials